HL1 Biology: 8.2b Photosynthesis light-indepedent reactions

DBQ p. 112- Identifying the First Products of Carbon Fixation

  1. Glycerate-3-phosphate is the first product of CO2 fixation because:
    • Glycerate-3-phosphate is the most radioactive molecule in the first 1 minute. It starts off being responsible for more than 70% of the total radioactivity.
    • The radioactivity of glycerate-3-phosphate, along with that of triose phosphate and other sugar phosphates, is observable from less than 2 seconds after the introduction of 14C. This means these molecules are being synthesized very rapidly.
    • The % radioactivity of glycerate-3-phosphate only decreases over time (especially after 1 minute). It is also the first of the molecules where the % radioactivity decreases.
    • Other molecules like malate, aspartate, and alanine only start to synthesize shortly before 1 minute after introducing 14C. This could mean that these molecules are being formed by the glycerate-3-phosphate that was already synthesized in the first minute or less.
  2. It can be seen that glycerate-3-phosphates is being converted into triose phosphates and other sugar phosphates:
    • From around 2-16 seconds, the % radioactivity of glycerate-3-phosphate declines, whereas the % radioactivity of triose phosphates and other sugar phosphates increase.
    • A similar trend can be seen shortly before and after 1 minute: As the % radioactivity decreases in glycerate-3-phosphate, it increases in triose phosphates and other sugar phosphates.
    • The rate of % radioactivity decrease in glycerate-3-phosphate and the rate of % radioactivity increase in triose phosphates and other sugar phosphates is similar.
    • This implies that the radioactive 14C is being transferred from glycerate-3-phosphate to triose phosphates and other sugar phosphates, as the molecules are converted.
  3. The graph shows how the % radioactivity of glycerate-3-phosphates can be observed from less than 4 seconds after the introduction of 14C. It can be estimated that CO2 diffuses into cells and is converted with RuBP to glycerate-3-phosphates in about 2 seconds.

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  1. Grade 7 A consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations.

    DBQ Identifying the 1st Products of Photosynthesis

    • The highest amount of radioactivity was in the G3P initially, and then fell with time
    • Other molecules being synthesized depend on the radioactive G3P as a raw material

    • As concentration of G3P falls with time
    • concentration of TP rises.
    • G3P is a raw material for TP production

    • Because radioactive carbon appears in G3P in 1-2 seconds after its introduction
    • CO2 must be able to diffuse into cells within 1-2 seconds
    • and Rubisco must be able to fix carbon within 1-2 seconds

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